Study Results and Data

I regularly update this section of my site to include summaries of study results for participants. If you participated in a study and are interested in reading about the results, check back here periodically.

2022 – “Are you human? Detecting the difference in trust evaluations between virtual and human influencers.” We published a manuscript in the CHI 2023 proceedings which describes the findings in detail. You can also find the data use in this analysis here.

2021 – “Project Nottingham: A study of investing app behaviour“. We published a manuscript at the 2022 CONF-IRM proceedings which explains the study results in detail.

2021 – “Working or wandering? A survey of factors that lead to productive remote work environments”. We published a manuscript in the HICSS 2023 proceedings which describes some of the findings, though we also plan to publish further analysis in the future. You can also find the data used in this analysis here.

2020 – “Assessing the impact of online learning on student experience in the COVID-19 era.” We prepared a manuscript that was published in the British Journal of Educational Technology, which describes the study results.

2020 – “An investigation of perceived social presence, trust and COVID-19 on attitudes towards online dating.” We have prepared a publication that was presented at AMCIS 2021, which describes the study results in detail.

2020 – “What factors lead to gainful university mobile community experiences during COVID-19?”. We prepared a preliminary report of the paper and the final result of the study was published in Library Hi Tech and we provided a preprint here.

2019 – “Identifying Brain Correlates of Cyber-security Threat Notifications”. The preliminary results were presented at the 2020 NeuroIS Retreat and the full study in Frontiers in Neuroscience.

2018 – “Neurophysiological Indicators of Attention in Information Technology Use”. The study was delivered in two stages. The results are summarized in my PhD thesis and this poster presented at the 2019 meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. The final results of the analysis were published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience and can be read here.