You can find a list of my publications with links to open access versions of the articles below.
Beresford, J. C., and Conrad, C., D. (forthcoming). Can Mind Wandering Be Measured Using the Unicorn Hybrid Black? A Pilot Study. In NeuroIS Retreat 2024.
Conrad, C. (forthcoming). How situation awareness of cognition can improve human-AI teams. In Léger, P. M., Coursaris, C. K., Beringer, J., and Öz, B. (eds.). Intelligent Systems in the Workplace. Springer.
Conrad, C., and Heggie, C. (2024). Legal and ethical challenges raised by advances in brain-computer interface technology. Canadian Journal of Law and Technology, 21(2).
Conrad, C., Klesel, M., Oschinsky, F., Mayhew, K., O’Neil, K., and Usai, F. (2023). Quality Is more Important than Quantity: Social Presence and Workplace Ergonomics Control Predict Perceived Remote Work Performance. Proceedings of the 2023 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Nissen, A., Conrad, C., and Newman, A. Are You Human? Investigating the Perceptions and Evaluations of Virtual Versus Human Instagram Influencers. CHI ’23: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Conrad, C., Aziz, J., Henneberry, J. M. and Newman, A. J. (2022). Do emotions influence safe browsing? Towards an EEG marker of affective responses to cybersecurity notifications. Frontiers in Neuroscience 16. 10.3389/fnins.2022.922960
Conrad, C., Caron, I., Deng, Q., Shkurska, O., Skerrett, P., and Sundararajan, B. (2022). How student perceptions about online learning difficulty influenced their satisfaction during Canada’s Covid-19 response. British Journal of Educational Technology. 10.1111/bjet.13206
Gawai, H., Conrad, C., and Keselj, V. (2022). It’s more than memes: User risk appetite and app enjoyment predict simulated mobile trading app behavior. In 2022 International Conference on Information Resources Management.
Conrad, C, Klesel, M., Mayhew, K., O’Neil, K., Oschinsky F. and Usai, F. (2022). Is your ability to detect errors an indicator of mind wandering? An experiment proposal. In NeuroIS 2022 NeuroIS Retreat.
Conrad, C., Moylan, R. and O. Diaz, G. (2022). University life has gone digital: Influences of institutional mobile social network use during the Covid-19 emergency. Library Hi Tech
Conrad, C. and Newman, A. (2022). Toward mind wandering adaptive online learning and virtual work experiences. In 2022 NeuroIS Retreat.
Beaubien, L., Conrad, C., Music, J. and Toze, S. (2021). Evaluating simplified web interfaces of risk models for clinical use: Pilot survey study. JMIR Formative Research 5(7), e22110. 10.2196/22110
Conrad, C., Newman, A. (2021). Measuring mind wandering during online lectures assessed with EEG. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14. 10.3389/fnhum.2021.697532
Klesel, M., Oschinsky, F., Conrad, C., and Niehaves, B. (2021). Does the type of mind-wandering matter? Extending the inquiry about the role of mind-wandering in the IT use experience. Internet Research 31(3), 1018-1039.
O. Diaz, G., and Conrad, C. (2021). Online communities and dating apps: The effects of social presence, trust, and Covid-19. Proceedings of the 2021 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS).
Godfrey, D., Findlay, C., Mulchandani, D., Subramanilyer, R., Conrad, C., & Newman, A. (2020). A Tri-Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface for Neuro-Information Systems. In NeuroIS Retreat (pp. 291-297). Springer, Cham.
Gone, P. and Conrad, C. (2020). Comparing changes in attitudes towards COVID-19 expressed on social media: the case of USA and Canada. Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM).
Klesel, M., Schlechtinger, M., Oschinsky, F. M., Conrad, C., & Niehaves, B. (2020). Detecting Mind Wandering Episodes in Virtual Realities Using Eye Tracking. In NeuroIS Retreat (pp. 163-171). Springer, Cham.
Conrad, C., Agarwal, O., Woc, C. C., Chiles, T., Godfrey, D., Krueger, K., … & Newman, A. (2020). On Using Python to Run, Analyze, and Decode EEG Experiments. In Information Systems and Neuroscience (pp. 287-293). Springer.
Conrad, C., & Bailey, L. (2020). What can NeuroIS learn from the replication crisis in psychological science?. In Information Systems and Neuroscience (pp. 129-135). Springer, Cham.
Conrad, C., Aziz, J., Smith, N., & Newman, A. (2020). What do users feel? Towards affective EEG correlates of cybersecurity notifications. In NeuroIS Retreat (pp. 153-162). Springer, Cham.
Conrad, C., Bliemel, M., & Ali-Hassan, H. (2019). The role of flow in learning distributed computing and mapreduce concepts using hands-on analogy. Journal of Information Systems Education 30(1), 57-66.
Conrad, C. and Newman, A. (2019). How attention networks can inform research in information systems. In Davis, F. D., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., Léger, P. M. and Randolph A. B. In Information Systems and Neuroscience (pp. 155-162). Springer.
Conrad, C. and Newman, A. (2019). Measuring the impact of mind wandering in real time using an auditory evoked potential. In Davis, F. D., Riedl, R., vom Brocke, J., Léger, P. M. and Randolph A. B. In Information Systems and Neuroscience (pp. 37-45). Springer.
2018 and earlier
Jankowska, M, Conrad, C., Harris, J. & Keselj, V. (2018). N-gram based approach for automatic prediction of essay rubric marks. In Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 31st Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Canadian AI. Springer.
Conrad, C., Ali, N., Gao, Q. & Keselj, V, (2016). ELM: an extended matching method on record linkage analysis of disparate databases for profile data mining. In Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics. IEEE.
Conrad, C., & Keselj, V. (2016). Predicting political donations using twitter hashtags and character n-grams. Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics. IEEE.
Conrad, C., & Bliemel, M. (2016). Psychophysiological measures of cognitive absorption and cognitive load in e-learning applications. In Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Information Systems.