Textbooks and Teaching

Snappy Data Management

Data is changing nearly everything about our world, but many people don’t know where to start. This book is designed for “non-technical” people (especially students) who want a hands-on introduction to data using free or open tools.

Available formats:

PDF & Mobile Reader: You can download ebook formats (PDF, ePub) DRM free from Leanpub here.

Print & Kindle: You can purchase a print or Kindle edition from Amazon here.

Current Teaching:

Note: I am on sabbatical for the 2024/2025 school year so won’t be teaching courses. These are the courses that I normally teach.

Digital Transformation (graduate)

Management Software and Technology (undergraduate)

Web Design and Architecture (undergraduate/graduate)

Working with Data (undergraduate)

Past Courses:

Business Analytics and Data Visualization (graduate)

Business Issues in Electronic Commerce (graduate)

Digital Innovation Capstone (graduate)

Information Management Systems (graduate)

Introduction to Data Science (undergraduate/graduate)

Management Information Systems (undergraduate)

Overview of Electronic Commerce (graduate)